If you are about to sit for JUPEB examination and you are wondering what percentage you need to have to get an A or a B, this post seeks to give an insight on JUPEB grading system and how to compute/calculate your final score with the various illustrations below.
Below is a detailed explanation of how points are computed in JUPEB:
In fig 1.1; For a student that register for (3) Subjects with grade such as Physics (A); Chemistry (B); then Biology (C), the total number of points scored is calculated as follows; English is a general course in JUPEB, so is not included.
Scores Grades Points
70% – 100% A 5 Points
60% – 69% B 4 Points
50% – 59% C 3 Points
45% – 49% D 2 Points
40% – 44% E 1 Point
39% and Below F 0 Point
Subject Grade
Physics A
Chemistry B
Biology C
Total 12 Points
More Information On JUPEB Grading System
Furthermore, many universities have stipulated minimum of passes (i.e. grades E) in two(2) subjects among the three(3) subjects on offer, you will realize that general performance in the examination rather suggests these universities admit students with higher grades. Hence, it is of utmost important that students concentrate their efforts to secure sufficient scores to further boost their chances of using JUPEB result for admission in JUPEB affiliated universities.
And if you have your result but you do not know the points required for your choice course at your desired university, you are advised to go through JUPEB cut off marks/ points on the board’s official website for universities admission for all courses in Nigerian universities.
click to obtain your form online or at our registration centers
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